Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Paul has been talking to the Corinthians about restoring a brother who had sinned, and he wants them to forgive him. He writes that this is how God forgives us, so why not forgive each other? He wants them to show mercy and love and not just punishment. C'mon, man! Now, he says the punishment the sinner deserves has already been given, and so they should forgive him. I mean, literally, folks, what was that? I'm not joking. My father used to say that mercy triumphs over judgment. So, see here, Jack, no malarkey! We have to be merciful. Or uh, you know, not gonna happen. I tell you what, God will take care of the punishment and we can show mercy. That's what God did for us when He sent Jesus to die for our sins. Excuse me. That's the deal with 2 Corinthians 2.