"Now listen, Jack, here's the deal. We gotta talk about 2 Corinthians 9, folks. This is a real important chapter. It's about giving generously. My father used to say, "Give and you shall receive." Well, I'm telling you, it's literally true. God loves it when you give generously. And he'll give back even more to you. That's no malarkey! C'mon, man! Now, I'm not saying you gotta give away everything you got, but you gotta give something. I mean, what was that about not giving? Not gonna happen, excuse me. I tell you what, if you give generously, God will give you more than you can ever imagine. Literally! So don't be shy. Give generously and reap the rewards. See here, Jack - no matter what, you can count on God to give back. That's the deal. I'm not joking. You gotta give generously if you want the blessings of God. That's all I'm gonna say."