Proverbs 26 is a great chapter - many people are saying it's huge. It talks about fools and haters and losers, how they can be overrated, and how they can get themselves into deep trouble. It's unbelievable how many such cases there are in this chapter!
First off, it talks about how a sluggard won't plow in season - very, very sad! But it also talks about how a wise man will turn away wrath - terrific. It also mentions about how people should be careful about what kind of flattery they use - there are many fine people out there who could be taken advantage of.
There's also a lot of talk about how gossip is fake news, and how a lying tongue is a hoax. It also talks about how a wise man should keep his mouth shut - very important! And if someone has a quarrel, it's best to stay out of it - no deep state for you!
The chapter finishes with a reminder to not be too quick to answer - very wise. And it talks about how the north wind brings forth rain - amazing!
So, Proverbs 26 is tremendous - make America great again! God bless America!