Joker: Ha-ha! What have we here? It's a book about wisdom and folly! Batman: Not so fast, Joker! Proverbs 26 reminds us that sluggards do not plow in season, but blessings come to those who diligently seek knowledge. Robin: That's right! It also says that without wood a fire goes out, but those who quarrel stir up strife. Catwoman: But the wise person passes over an insult, while the fool is quick to anger. Joker: Well, I guess I'll keep my temper in check then! Batman: It's wise to do so, because Proverbs 26 reminds us that the words of a gossip are like choice morsels, while those who stay silent are wise. Robin: And bless those who are generous with their words, for they will reap a harvest of kindness. Catwoman: That's right! And remember, when there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but with an abundance of crops comes increased responsibility. Joker: Alright, I guess I'll stay quiet for now! Batman: A wise decision, Joker. Proverbs 26 reminds us that those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe.