Batman: Greetings, citizens of Gotham! This chapter, Proverbs 22, is all about the importance of good reputation, money management, and wisdom.

Robin: Yes, it also teaches us to be humble, generous, and kind.

Catwoman: Oh, please. Who cares about humility and generosity? That's all nonsense!

Batman: On the contrary, Catwoman, these are values we should all strive for! The Bible says it's better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and wealthy.

Robin: We should also be careful about how we spend our money. We should save for a rainy day, rather than foolishly squandering it away.

Joker: What's the fun in that?

Batman: Joker, it's important to remember that if you are wise, you will be rewarded. But if you are foolish, you will suffer the consequences.

Robin: So, like Batman always says, it's important to use our brains and remember the lessons taught in the Bible.