Folks, here's the deal - Proverbs 3 is all about wisdom, c'mon, man! It tells us to keep wisdom close to our hearts and not to forget it, no malarkey! Not only that, but it also tells us to be obedient to God, or uh, you know, be faithful to Him, because that's what will lead us to the good life. My father used to say that if we honor God, He will honor us, and Proverbs 3 backs that up. See here, Jack - it also says to trust in the Lord with all our heart and to not rely on our own understanding, literally. And, what's more, it says to recognize that the Lord will make our paths straight and will direct us in our decisions and our plans. I'm not joking - it's all there in Proverbs 3. So, I tell you what - don't forget it, excuse me. Not gonna happen.