Listen, Jack, here's the deal, no malarkey! Proverbs 13 tells us that wise people take the right path and ignore the wrong one. It's like what my father used to say: "a wise son heeds his father's instruction" - literally, that's what it says. See here, Jack, if you're lazy and don't listen to your parents, you won't have any food to fill your belly - or uh, you know, you won't get anywhere. C'mon, man! And if you're a good parent, you will teach your kids the right way - it's the only way you can make sure that they will do good in life. That's why we have to be careful to make sure our kids are getting the right kind of education. It's not gonna happen if we just let them watch tv all day - what was that? Excuse me. So, if we want our kids to succeed, we need to teach them the good stuff and stay away from the bad. That's what I tell you.