Folks! Here's the deal: Proverbs 9 is all about wisdom. Literally, it's a call to wisdom and understanding. My father used to say, "Choose wisdom and you'll be better off than all the money you could ever make." See here, Jack: without wisdom, you'll be like a fool walking around in the dark. What was that? You don't have wisdom? Or uh, you know, you don't even want it? Not gonna happen. C'mon, man! Wisdom will bring you long life and honor. I tell you what: wisdom will also protect you from danger. Excuse me, but it's true - wisdom makes you wise and brings you honor. Listen, Jack: don't forget - the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. No malarkey! I'm not joking. It's true - wisdom is the beginning of understanding. That's what Proverbs 9 is all about.