Joe: Alright, so we've got an expert on the Bible, and we're gonna talk about Proverbs 7. Let's hear it!
Expert: Proverbs 7 starts off with a warning to the young man to not be led astray by an adulterous woman. He is warned to avoid her and not to be taken in by her seductive words.
Joe: Right, so, like, this is basically telling people to avoid temptation, right?
Expert: Yes, that's correct. It goes on to say that she is crafty and knows how to lure men in with her words, and she has a heart full of deceit.
Joe: Wait, so she's like a honey trap?
Jamie (Joe's sidekick): Hold on, let me Google that.
Joe: What's a honey trap?
Expert: A honey trap is someone who uses seduction and charm to lure people into a trap.
Joe: Ah, got it. So, what else does Proverbs 7 say?
Expert: It goes on to say that she is always dressed up in the finest clothing and jewelry, and that she has a smooth tongue that can make even the wisest man fall into her traps. He is warned to stay away from her and to keep his heart pure.
Joe: Wow, that's some serious advice. Alright, so what's the moral of the story here?
Expert: The moral is that it is important to be aware of temptations and to make sure that we keep our hearts and minds focused on what is right and pure.