Alex: "So, tell me a little bit about yourself. Where are you from?"
Contestant: "I'm from the Bible! Specifically, Proverbs 7!"
Alex (sighing): "Oh, God. Not this again. Alright, go ahead..."
Contestant: "Proverbs 7 is all about staying away from temptation and the dangers of straying from the path of righteousness. It warns against the seduction of strange women and the pitfalls of adultery. The chapter also offers practical advice, such as getting up early, working hard, and being wise with money."
Alex (visibly annoyed): "Yes, yes. Very interesting. Is there anything else you'd like to share?"
Contestant: "Well, the chapter also contains several warnings about the consequences of not heeding this advice, including poverty, disgrace, and death. Ultimately, the message is to remain wise, stay on the path of righteousness, and resist temptation."
Alex (through gritted teeth): "Very good. Anything else?"
Contestant: "That's it!"
Alex (relieved): "Excellent. Let's move on to something else!"