Peter: Alright, here's the scoop for chapter 8 of Hebrews: Jesus has a better covenant, one that will last forever. He's the mediator of the new covenant, and it's written on hearts instead of stone.

Brian: So he's like a lawyer for God?

Peter: Sort of, yeah. He's the mediator between God and us.

Stewie: So, like, does this mean we can get out of our contracts with the cable company?

Quagmire: Don't get your hopes up, kiddo.

Peter: Yeah, it's not really like that. But anyway, the point is that this new covenant is better than the old one. It's a better way of forgiveness and to get close to God.

Brian: Sounds like a better deal.

Peter: It definitely is. And it's all because of Jesus, who is the ultimate sacrifice.

Stewie: So, like, are we talking ham or turkey or what?

Quagmire: I don't think Jesus is a type of bird, Stewie.

Peter: No, he's the ultimate sacrifice. He gave himself so that we could be saved.

Brian: Wow, that's pretty incredible.

Peter: It is. And this new covenant makes it possible for everyone to get close to God.

Stewie: Well, that's certainly a bargain.

Quagmire: Yeah, it sure is.