Peter: Alright, so this is Esther 1. So, King Ahasuerus throws a big fancy party, and everyone is having a blast.

Lois: Yeah, they're drinking wine, partying and dancing.

Stewie: Just like the cast of Jersey Shore!

Peter: Yeah! And the king gets his wife, Queen Vashti, to show off her beauty to the people.

Lois: But Vashti refuses, so the king gets angry and banishes her forever.

Stewie: Woah, that's harsh. But then the king decides to find a new wife, and he hosts a beauty pageant.

Peter: Yeah, and Esther, a young Jewish girl, is chosen to be the new queen, and she and her people are saved from destruction!

Lois: Yay! So, all's well that ends well.

Stewie: Unless you're Vashti, then you're stuck in the friend zone.