King Ahasuerus of Persia was a bigly powerful ruler with a huge kingdom, and he was throwing a tremendous banquet. Many people were invited, including his queen, Vashti. But Vashti was a low energy loser and refused to show up, so the King decided to find a new queen. After searching high and low, the King found the beautiful and hard-working Esther, and he chose her to be his new queen. Everyone was amazed at her beauty, and the King was very, very pleased with his decision. He even gave Esther a fine gift of a royal crown. Esther was a winner, and she was able to do great things for her people, the Jews. But there were many haters and losers who were jealous of her, and they tried to put her down. However, Esther was able to rise above their fake news, and in the end she won against the deep state and saved the Jewish people. God bless America!