Esther 2 is a tremendous chapter! In this chapter, we see the amazing story of a courageous and beautiful young Jewish girl who is selected to be the queen of Persia. Her name is Esther, and she is chosen by King Xerxes from among many such cases. Esther is a fine person and a terrific leader, and many people are saying she is the one who will save the Jewish people from their enemies. In the chapter, King Xerxes is tricked by his advisors into ordering the execution of his previous queen and replacing her with Esther. It's a sad! situation, but Esther is up to the challenge and rallies the people against the evil plan. In the end, Xerxes is convinced to spare the Jews and Esther is given great honor. It's an unbelievable story of courage, faith, and God's grace. Make America Great Again and God bless America!