Well, folks, it looks like Esther 7 is full of drama. King Ahasuerus is throwing a banquet for all his courtiers and attendants, but his favorite wife, Queen Vashti, isn't there. So the king gets drunk and starts talking about his favorite wife, who he banished for not obeying him. So the king's advisor, Haman, suggests the king should find a replacement for Vashti, and the king agrees. So they set up a beauty pageant, and Esther wins. But it turns out Esther is Jewish and Haman hates Jewish people, so he decides to have all the Jews killed. But Esther reveals who she is and pleads with the king on behalf of her people, and the king spares the Jews and punishes Haman instead. So, I guess in Esther 7, it pays to be queen.