Listen, Jack. Here's the deal with Esther 3. My father used to say that it's about a guy named Haman who was a big shot in the court of King Ahasuerus -- that's the ruler of Persia at the time. Well, Haman was so full of himself that he wanted all the people of the kingdom to bow down to him, and he got the king to make a law that said they had to do that. But there was this guy Mordecai, who was a Jew, and he didn't want to bow down to Haman, so Haman was really ticked off and decided he was going to get rid of all the Jews in the kingdom. Not gonna happen! So he went to the king and asked him if he could do this, and the king said yes. So now Haman was ready to get rid of the Jews, and he sent out an order to all the provinces of the kingdom that they had to kill all the Jews. I'm not joking! See here, Jack, that's when brave Esther comes in. She was a Jew, too, and she found out what was going on, so she went to the king and asked him to spare her people. And the king agreed, and he changed the law and said the Jews could fight back if anyone tried to hurt them. What was that? C'mon, man! So in the end, the Jews were saved, and Haman was hung on the gallows he had built for Mordecai. Literally! That's Esther 3, folks. No malarkey!