Joe: Alright, so we're talking about Esther 3 now and I'm really excited to hear what our Bible expert has to say. So, what do we have going on in Esther 3?

Bible Expert: Well, Esther 3 is all about Esther's bravery and her decision to go before the King to plead for the life of her people. Before this, the King had issued a decree that all Jews in the kingdom were to be killed and Esther has decided to go and intercede on the behalf of her people.

Joe: Whoa! That's pretty intense! So, what happened when she went before the King?

Bible Expert: Well, the King was so taken with Esther that he granted her request and instead of killing the Jews he issued a new decree that allowed them to defend themselves against their enemies.

Joe: Wow! That's incredible. So, what happened after that?

Bible Expert: Well, the Jews were able to defend themselves and they were victorious against their enemies. And as a result of this victory, the Jews were able to live in peace and prosperity in the kingdom.

Joe: Wow! That's amazing. So, what's the moral of the story here?

Bible Expert: Well, I think the moral of the story is that no matter how difficult the situation may seem, if we have faith in God, He will provide a way for us to be victorious.