Joe: Alright, so we're talking about Esther 5 now. What's going on in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, Esther 5 is all about Haman's downfall. He had plotted to have all the Jews of the kingdom killed, and so Esther and Mordecai are trying to convince the king to reverse Haman's orders.
Joe: Uh-huh, okay. So what happened?
Bible Expert: Well, the king agrees to reverse the orders and it looks like Haman's plan has been foiled. He is so enraged that he goes back to his house and orders his servants to prepare him a gallows.
Joe: Wow, that's intense. So what did he do with the gallows?
Bible Expert: Well, he was planning to hang Mordecai from it. But before he can do that, the king finds out about it and orders Haman to be hanged instead.
Joe: Wow, what a twist! So is that the end of it?
Bible Expert: Pretty much. The king rewards Mordecai for his loyalty and the Jews of the kingdom are saved from Haman's plot.
Joe: Amazing! So it all worked out in the end.
Bible Expert: Yes, it did. It's a great example of how God can use even the most unlikely of people to bring about His will.
Joe: That's amazing! Well, thank you for this great summary of Esther 5.