Alex: So, tell me a bit about yourself!
Contestant: Well, I'd rather talk about the Bible. Did you know that in Esther 4, Mordecai refused to bow down to Haman?
Alex: Uh, that's nice. What else?
Contestant: Well, when Esther heard about this, she was so upset that she put on sackcloth and ashes and fasted for three days.
Alex: Great...
Contestant: Then, she asked Mordecai to gather all the Jews in Susa together to fast and pray for her.
Alex: [sighs]
Contestant: Finally, Esther went before the King and pleaded for her people. The King granted her request and Haman was hung on the gallows he had built for Mordecai.
Alex: [Rolls eyes] Anything else?
Contestant: Oh yes! The Jews celebrated with a feast and rest of the story is told in the book of Esther.
Alex: [Sighs] Alright then.