Joe: Alright, so we're on to Romans 16! What's this one about?

Bible Expert: Well, it's kind of a grab-bag of instructions and greetings. Paul opens the chapter by introducing Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchrea. He commends the church for their hospitality to her and encourages the believers to help her in whatever way they can.

Joe: Wow, that's really cool. So what else is Paul talking about?

Bible Expert: Paul then goes on to warn the believers to beware of those who cause divisions and obstacles in the church. He encourages them to remain steadfast in their faith and to watch out for those who are contentious.

Joe: That's sounds like a good warning. What happens after that?

Bible Expert: Paul then goes on to greet about 25 different people by name and encourages the believers to greet them as well. He closes the chapter with a final warning against those who are teaching false doctrines.

Joe: That's really interesting. So basically, this chapter is all about being aware of false teaching, being hospitable to those who are visitors, and also showing love and respect to one another in the church?

Bible Expert: Exactly!