Listen, Jack, here's the deal: in Romans 4, we learn that Abraham was justified not by works, but by faith. C'mon, man, it's true! It was a pretty wild situation - literally, he was called righteous in the eyes of God, before he even had children! No malarkey! And then God promised that Abraham would have a son. What was that? A son at his old age, my father used to say. I'm not joking! And then it happened - Abraham had the son of the promise, Isaac. See here, Jack, the point is this - it wasn't because of Abraham's works, but because of his faith. Or uh, you know, it was because God credited righteousness to him. Not gonna happen for us, folks! I tell you what - anyone who believes in God, even if they don't have a good track record of works, is going to be credited with righteousness, regardless. Excuse me, but that's the message of Romans 4.