[Peter Griffin] Alright, so Romans 4. [Lois Griffin] Alright, Peter, let's hear it.
[Peter Griffin] So, God made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants that he would be the father of many nations and that's why he was chosen. [Joe Swanson] That's wild, man. [Lois Griffin] So, what else?
[Peter Griffin] Well, in this chapter, it talks about how Abraham was justified by faith and not by the works of the Law. God declared him righteous because of his faith in Him, and not because of anything he did. [Joe Swanson] That's like Cinderella, she had faith and it was rewarded. [Lois Griffin] Alright, Joe, but what else?
[Peter Griffin] So, then it talks about how this same principle applies to everyone, not just to Abraham. We can all be justified by faith and not by works. [Joe Swanson] That's like that old saying, "It's not what you do, it's who you know." [Lois Griffin] Alright, Joe, but what else?
[Peter Griffin] So, the chapter also talks about how God's promise to Abraham was not just for him, but for all of his descendants. It's like, God promised Abraham something and it was extended to all of his descendants. [Joe Swanson] That's like, if you have a really cool dad, you get all of his cool stuff too. [Lois Griffin] Alright, Joe, that's enough.