Peter: Alrighty then, let's get to it.

Brian: What are we talking about, Peter?

Peter: Romans 12. It's one of the chapters in the Bible, you know?

Brian: Oh, so like, 'Love thy neighbor' and all that?

Peter: Yeah... kinda. It's actually more about living a life of service to God and not conforming to the world. It's about offering your body as a living sacrifice, being transformed by the renewing of your mind, and being devoted to one another in love.

Lois: Sounds like one of those stories from the '80s where the kid learns to be true to himself.

Peter: Yeah, something like that. It also talks about having different gifts from God, using them to serve others, and being humble and patient.

Stewie: Oh, so like the opposite of what happens in an episode of Jersey Shore?

Peter: Uh, yeah, pretty much.

Brian: So basically, be good to each other and don't be selfish. Got it.