Peter: Alright, so this is Romans 8.

Lois: Oh, I love that chapter.

Peter: Yeah, me too. Basically, it's all about how even though we're weak and messed up, God still loves us.

Stewie: Typical.

Peter: Yeah, so it's all about how God's Spirit helps us when we can't help ourselves, and how we can be sure that nothing can ever separate us from God's love.

Brian: That's like that show 'Friends' -- nothing can ever separate them from their love for each other.

Peter: Right. Also, it talks about how all of creation is waiting for something better to come, and that God is at work in all of it.

Lois: Like the new 'Star Wars' movie?

Peter: Sure, why not. The bottom line is that if we have faith in God, we can be sure that we'll have a future with Him.