Peter: Alright, Romans 6: In this chapter, Paul writes about how through Jesus, we have been freed from the power of sin, and instead, we should be living in obedience to God. It's like when I finally got that new robotic vacuum cleaner and I was able to stop sweeping the house every day.
Brian: Yeah, I hear that. It's like when I switched to a streaming service, and I didn't have to pay for all those cable channels I never watched.
Lois: Right, so Paul is saying that just like you don't have to do all those unnecessary things anymore, you don't have to do all the sinful things, either.
Meg: Yeah, it's like when I stopped smoking. I was so used to it that it was hard at first, but once I did it, I felt so much better.
Chris: Yeah, and Paul says that if we are living in obedience to God, then we will be rewarded with eternal life. It's like when I got that new job and I got that big raise.
Stewie: Yes, precisely! Paul reminds us that we should be living in obedience to God, and if we do, we will be rewarded. It's like when my friend got a free trip to Disney World for being an obedient child.