Brian: Alright, so Romans 2 starts off with Paul arguing that God will judge all people for their sins, no matter who they are.
Stewie: Oh, so like that episode of Friends where Rachel and Ross go to the tanning salon and get judged by the tanning booth lady?
Brian: (rolling his eyes) No, Stewie, not like that. Anyways, Paul goes on to argue that even Gentiles who don’t have the law will still be judged for their sins, and that God will judge them according to their own consciences. He also says that it’s foolish to think that we can avoid God’s judgment by claiming to be better than others.
Stewie: Like when you try to get a table at a restaurant, but they won’t let you because you’re not on the list.
Brian: That’s not really the same thing, Stewie. Paul also talks about how God is patient and merciful, and will even reward those who seek Him.
Stewie: Oh, like when you get the first slice of pizza at a party and you’re the hero of the night?
Brian: No, not like that either. In the end, Paul says that all people are accountable to God, and that everyone will be judged according to their own deeds.
Stewie: Just like when you’re playing Monopoly and you land on Boardwalk and you’re like, “Oh no, I’m going to lose!”