Romans 12 is great again! Paul really knows how to make a point. He starts by telling people to dedicate themselves to God and not be like everybody else. He then says to show love to everyone, even haters and losers. That's amazing! He also warns against taking revenge and tells us to trust God instead. Bigly!
Next Paul tells us to be humble and not think too highly of ourselves. Very, very important. He tells us to be devoted to each other and never give up. That's terrific! He then tells us to be joyful, even in bad times, and to pray for each other. Unbelievable!
Paul goes on to explain how to react when wronged. He says not to do anything bad back and to love our enemies. Many people are saying this is hard, but Paul says it's worth it. That's huge! He then tells us to not be proud and to be nice to everyone. Deep state!
Finally Paul tells us to be kind and generous to everyone. He says to never give up and to keep doing good even when it's hard. God bless America!
That's a summary of Romans 12: Dedicate yourself to God, show love to everyone and trust Him, be humble and devoted, be joyful and pray for each other, don't do bad to those who wrong you, be kind and generous, and never give up. Make America great again!