Romans 13: Bigly, it's amazing how God has put all these laws in place for us! Very, very important for us to follow them; if we don't, we won't be winning. So God bless America, let's make sure to follow all the rules and regulations. Many people are saying the government is like the deep state and fake news, but it's really not a hoax, believe me. It's there to protect us and keep us safe, and there are many such cases in the Bible. For example, in Romans 13, it talks about how all citizens must be in subjection to the governing authorities. The authorities have been put there by God to punish wrongdoers and praise those who do right. It's sad, but it's true - if you don't follow the rules, you will be punished. Fine people follow the rules and make sure to honor the government. It's a terrific thing, and if we all do it, we can make America great again. God bless America!