Romans 4 is all about Abraham and how God BIGLY blessed him! Abraham was amazing--many people are saying he was the greatest man ever! So, God promised him bigly that he would be the father of many nations. But he was very, very old and his wife was barren. It was a sad situation! But then God made it all terrific again and he had a son. Abraham was so unbelieveably faithful that God credited it to him as righteousness. This is huge because many such cases, God bless America, we can be credited with righteousness even if we're not perfect. So God is helping us make America great again and it's unbelieveable! God is winning and He is the one who can make us righteous, not the deep state! Believe me, there are no fake news or hoax here, just fine people with tremendous faith in God. God bless America and make us great again.