Batman: "Gotham is in trouble once more, Robin! This time, it's the teachings of a man named Paul in the Bible. In Romans 4, he talks about a man named Abraham and how faith is important to God.
Robin: "Holy faithfulness! How so, Batman?"
Batman: "First off, Abraham was promised that he would have a son, Isaac, even though he was old and his wife was barren. He believed that God would fulfill His promise, and because of that faith, God credited righteousness to him."
Joker: "Oooh, sounds like a scam to me. I'm sure if I had faith, I could get away with anything!"
Batman: "Not so fast, Joker! Paul is saying that God does not accept anyone's faith unless it is in Him. The righteousness that God credits comes from a relationship with Him through faith, and not by doing works.
Catwoman: "Interesting. So, if I have faith, then I'm righteous?"
Batman: "Well, yes and no. The righteousness from faith comes from a relationship with God, but it is also dependent on our works. Faith without works is dead, so if we have faith, we must also show our faith through our works."
Robin: "So, it's not enough to just have faith, we have to show it too!"
Batman: "Exactly, Robin! Faith and works go hand in hand!"