C'mon, man, Romans 7 is where we really get into it, folks! Listen, Jack, here's the deal. This chapter talks about the law and uh, you know, how it relates to sin. It's literally like my father used to say: Sometimes the law is just like a trap. You see, it entices us to sin, and then it makes us guilty when we do. I'm not joking here. See here, Jack, the law isn't a bad thing. It's actually a good thing, no malarkey! It's just that people can't always keep it, and then they feel shame and guilt. It's like what was that? We're all guilty of sin, or uh, you know, it's just part of being human. But here's the thing, folks: We don't have to stay in our guilt. God's grace and mercy can set us free. But we have to be willing to accept it. Not gonna happen if we don't. I tell you what: That's what Romans 7 is all about. Excuse me.