Listen, Jack, here's the deal. I tell you what, this Job fella was a righteous man, literally. He feared God and turned away from evil, no malarkey. The Lord was so pleased with Job that he said, "No one else on earth is as righteous as Job." C'mon, man! That's some praise, right there. Then one day, the Lord allowed Satan to test Job. Satan took away Job's wealth, his children, and his health. But Job still remained faithful to the Lord. He said, "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." My father used to say, "A man isn't measured by his wealth, but by his faith." Job was a true believer. Not gonna happen, he never turned away from the Lord. Now, that's a man of faith, excuse me. But what was that? Satan wasn't finished with Job yet. He still wanted to test Job's faith, so he took away his health and afflicted Job with painful sores. But still, Job held on to his faith, and said, "Though he slay me, yet I will hope in him." See here, Jack, that's the spirit of a truly faithful man, who doesn't turn away from the Lord, no matter what life throws at him. I'm not joking, folks. Job's faith was an example to us all.