Folks, I'm here to tell you about Job 5. See here, Jack, it's all about some serious stuff. Literally, here's the deal: it starts with Eliphaz the Temanite giving Job some advice, c'mon man! He's telling him to look to God for help and to be patient, because he will bring people out of their troubles. My father used to say that God will even bring down the wicked and punish them for their evil ways. But Job's not having it, he's saying that no amount of punishment is going to make him feel better. Eliphaz is like, "No malarkey, Job, God's gonna take care of you!" Not gonna happen, Job says. Then Eliphaz talks about how God sends us troubles and afflictions to teach us something. What was that?, Job says. And Eliphaz is like, "Or uh, you know, God sends us these troubles to show us his power and to make us humble." I'm not joking, that's what Eliphaz was saying. And then he's telling Job that after he's been punished, God will bring him out of his trouble and restore him. See here, Jack, that's the end of chapter 5. I tell you what, that's some serious stuff.