Well, folks, here’s the deal. Job 29 is about Job’s longing for a time that was, like, a million years ago, when his life was good. It was great, no malarkey! I’m not joking. My father used to say, “You never appreciate whatcha got ‘til it’s gone!” Well, Job was feeling that way. See here, Jack, he was remembering when he was young and strong and had so much respect. What was that? He was like, the king of the mountain. Seriously, it was like a different world, you know.

And he was so wise, like Solomon himself. Literally! He was teaching the wise and the naive, settling disputes and helping the poor. No malarkey! He was like a great leader, or uh, you know, a king. He was living the life, let me tell you.

But then, it was all taken away from him. Not gonna happen. So he was talking about how everything was so different now. I tell you what, it was like a dark cloud had come in and covered up his light. Excuse me, it was like he was in total darkness. So, c’mon man, he was just longing for those days when he was happy and respected.