Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Job's friend Bildad is going to try and talk some sense into him. He starts by saying that Job's suffering is really nothing new - it's been happening to people since the beginning of time, literally. My father used to say, "If you mess with the bull, you get the horns." See here, Jack, that's exactly what Job did - he messed with the Lord, so he's getting the horns. Now, Bildad is trying to say that if Job just starts serving God again, then God will show him some mercy, no malarkey! I tell you what, folks, that's not gonna happen. Seriously, this is like a broken record - Bildad and the other guys keep saying the same thing over and over. What was that? Oh, yeah - if Job just started serving God again, then his fortunes would turn around. Excuse me, but I'm not joking - it's not gonna happen.