Listen, Jack, this chapter of Job is really something, c'mon man! Here's the deal, Elihu is still talking and he's about to get to the point. He's telling us that God is righteous and just, and He gives us blessings, no malarkey! Uh, literally, the Lord is teaching us that He is the one who gives us life and hope. Or, you know, He's the one who gives us victory in our battles and He has a plan for us.
My father used to say that God is generous and kind and He's there to help us when we're in trouble. He rewards us for our good behavior and punishes us for our bad. See here, Jack, He's giving us a chance to repent and turn back to Him, what was that? I'm not joking, if we humble ourselves and obey Him then He will rescue us.
I tell you what, He will even protect us from those who want to do us harm. He will give us a long and prosperous life if we truly follow Him. Excuse me, but that doesn't mean we can do whatever we want and expect God to bail us out, not gonna happen! God is showing us that He's in control and He can do whatever He likes. That's why we must always be obedient and faithful to Him.