Listen, Jack, I tell you what: Job 21's about these folks who are saying, "Hey, Job, c'mon man! Why don't you just admit it? You're being punished for your wickedness, and it's not gonna happen any other way! You're wicked, and you're getting what you deserve." But Job's like, "Uh, excuse me? That's not what's happening. I'm literally not wicked, and I'm still getting the punishment! It's not fair." And these other people are like, "No malarkey! That's not how it works. You can't just go around doing whatever you want and expect to get away with it. See here, Jack? My father used to say, 'The wicked get what they deserve and they get it quickly.' Or uh, you know, 'Do evil, and evil will come back to you.'" But Job's like, "What was that? I'm not joking! That's not what's happening to me!" And they're like, "Well, that's how it works, and that's not gonna change. The wicked get what they deserve, and the innocent get the same." So yeah, that's Job 21. No malarkey!