Listen, Jack, Job 20 is all about Zophar, and I'm not joking. He's the second man to respond to Job's plea, and he's not too happy with all of Job's claims. He's like, 'I don't buy it, man, no malarkey!'. See here, Jack, Zophar isn't really giving Job any comfort. He's like, 'Hey, Job, you're getting what you deserve. You've hoarded up all this wealth, but now it's gonna get taken away from you'. Literally, he's saying that God will repay Job for all of his evil deeds. My father used to say, 'Karma's a witch'. And, uh, you know, Zophar's saying that the consequences of sin are gonna come back to haunt you. What was that? He's talking about how Job's prosperity is gonna be taken away, and that he'll be left with nothing. I tell you what, folks, this ain't gonna be a happy ending. Job's gonna be in for a world of trouble. Excuse me, but this is gonna be one rough ride.