Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Job's friend Bildad says that wicked people suffer, and he's not wrong. See here, Jack, when the wicked are destroyed, their own strength is their downfall. They're like a flame that's gone out, and their hope is like a puff of smoke. C'mon, man, it's like they never even existed! My father used to say, "Don't ever mess with wicked people. They'll be gone before you know it." Or uh, you know, they'll be blown away like chaff in the wind. What was that? They'll be like a dream that fades away in the night. Literally, they'll be like a vision that's gone! I'm not joking, folks. And it won't be long before they're forgotten. Excuse me, but it's not gonna happen that they'll be spoken of ever again. I tell you what, their memory will be gone. That's the way it is. No malarkey!