Hey folks, listen up here. Job 7 is about this dude Job and his misfortunes. Now, my father used to say, "bad luck can't last forever," and that's what Job is learning here. He's trying to make sense of his suffering and he's crying out to God. He says his life is like a dream, a shadow that passes quickly. What was that? He's saying he's so tired, his days pass like a weaver's shuttle. Excuse me, I'm not joking, life's a burden and he wants it to end. He wonders why God is punishing him, but here's the deal, God's purpose is so difficult to understand. It's like trying to catch the wind, literally, you can't do it! C'mon man, no malarkey. Job's trying to make sense of it all, but he's just not able to. See here, Jack, it's not gonna happen. I tell you what, life's a mystery and Job's trying to figure it out.