Uh, excuse me, folks! Here's the deal, Job 30 is a real eye-opener. So, it starts with Job talking about his condition and how he's been, uh, you know, kinda roughin' it out in the wilderness. He's out there with, like, no food and no shelter, and he's just, like, trying to make it through the day. He talks about how he's been abandoned by his friends, and he's literally just trying to survive. Then he talks about the people who are doin' worse than him, who he says are the lowest of the low, and he says that they're all worse off than him, so he's not gonna feel sorry for himself. He then talks about how his skin is all broken out and he's been through a lot of tough times, but he's still standing. My father used to say, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going,” and that's what Job did. He never gave up, and he kept on fighting. And that's the deal, folks. That's Job 30. C'mon, man!