Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Job 38 is all about God literally showing off His greatness. Back in the day, God was telling Job, c'mon man, no malarkey, that He literally created the heavens and the earth. He was like, psssh, I made the stars, the constellations, the mountains, and even the sea. What was that? He said, yeah, and I set the boundaries of the sea, and I also saw to it that it couldn't just do whatever it wanted. You know, like, it couldn't just run wild and leave us all hangin'. I'm not joking, He also set the boundaries for the day and the night, and even appointed the clouds. My father used to say, God's the one that makes lightning and sends rain. He's the one that gives us snow and hail and frost. I tell you what, He's even the one who made the paths in the sea. See here, Jack, God's literally responsible for all the animals, and even the birds of the sky. He's the one who gives strength to the lion and makes the deer swift. Not gonna happen that He won't provide food for the young ravens. Excuse me, but He also understands the way of the hawk and the eagle, and He's even the one who knows what the ostrich is thinkin'. No malarkey, God is the king of all Creation, and He's the one who literally made it all.