Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Job, he's been through a lot, I'm not joking. He's been through some of the toughest times you can imagine. But Zophar, he's got something to say: "C'mon, man! You can't know everything! See here, Jack, if you'd just open up your eyes, you'd see the truth. Literally, the Lord will show you greater things than you could ever know. My father used to say, "You can't know everything, son." But I tell you what, you can know more than you think. You just need to take a step back, and look at the bigger picture. Folks, if you open up your eyes and heart, you'll see the truth. No malarkey! Or uh, you know, you need to be humble and accept the Lord's truth. Not gonna happen if you keep denying it. So, what was that? Take a step back, open your heart and eyes, and you'll see the truth. Excuse me!