Listen, Jack, I'm tellin' ya, no malarkey, Job 32 is one of the oldest books of the Bible, it's literally as old as the hills. Here's the deal: Elihu, one of the guys who had been arguing with Job, says he's gonna speak up, 'cause that's what his father used to say, 'C'mon, man, don't be scared to talk, even if you're the youngest.' Elihu goes on to say that wisdom doesn't come from old age, and it's not just for the elderly, but for everyone. He also says that age don't always guarantee wisdom. I'm not joking, folks. Elihu says that Job's friends haven't said much that's helpful and that he's gonna take over the conversation. See here, Jack, Elihu then goes on to talk about God's spirit and how it gives us knowledge. He says that if we rely on God, He'll give us understanding. What was that? Elihu says he'll use his words to try to help Job. He talks about how the heavens will reveal God's righteousness, and then, or uh, you know, he kind of just stops talking and sits down. No way, no how, not gonna happen. I tell ya what, excuse me, Job 32 is one of the most memorable chapters of the Bible.