Batman: Robin, the latest chapter of the Bible tells the story of a man named Job.

Robin: That's right, Batman. In this chapter, three of Job's friends have been disputing with him, and they finally give up.

Joker: But then someone else speaks up!

Batman: Yes, Joker. A young man named Elihu steps in to argue with Job.

Catwoman: Elihu claims to have insight and understanding beyond his years.

Riddler: He also claims that Job's friends have been wrong in their assessment of the situation, and that Job himself is not speaking the truth.

Penguin: Elihu then proceeds to give Job a long, detailed speech about how God is the ultimate source of wisdom and justice.

Batman: Elihu's speech is full of insight and wisdom that Job cannot deny. In the end, Job humbly admits that Elihu is correct and that God's ways are beyond his understanding.