Joker: Ha ha ha! I've been hearing a lot about this Job fellow. His life is so interesting!
Batman: You think so, Joker?
Joker: Certainly! In this chapter, God is talking to Job about two of the wildest animals in the land, the wild donkey and the wild ox.
Robin: Wow, that sounds really exciting!
Joker: Oh, it gets even better! God is actually teaching Job about how these animals live and how they behave in the wild. They can't be tamed or controlled, and they run wherever they want!
Batman: That's incredible! It sounds like a lesson in freedom.
Joker: It certainly is! God also talks about how these animals are so strong that even a team of oxen can't hold them back. They are fierce and unstoppable!
Robin: That's pretty amazing!
Joker: It sure is! God is also teaching Job about the ostrich, which is a very strange bird. It doesn't have any wisdom and doesn't care for its young.
Batman: That's sad.
Joker: It sure is! But it's also a reminder that God is in control, even when things don't make sense to us.