Robin: Holy cow, Batman! Job has been through a lot!
Batman: Indeed he has, Robin. In Job 30, we see Job in the depths of despair, surrounded by the scorn of his friends and family.
Catwoman: What a sad story!
Robin: He describes their contempt and derision directed towards him. He says they spit at him and mock him.
Batman: That's right, Robin. Job laments that even animals are more respected than he is. He says he is an object of scorn for the young and the old alike.
Riddler: How could anyone treat another human being like that?
Batman: That's a very good question, Riddler. It's a reminder of how cruel and unjust life can sometimes be.
Joker: Ha ha ha! Let's all have a good laugh at the poor guy's expense!
Batman: No, Joker. We may not understand why Job had to endure such suffering, but we should never mock another person's suffering. Let's all have compassion for Job and pray for him.