Batman: Robin, I fear that the situation in Job 17 is dire.
Robin: What do you mean, Batman?
Batman: Job has reached the end of his rope. He's in despair and even his friends have abandoned him.
Robin: That's awful! What can we do to help?
Joker (interrupting): Ha ha ha ha! Nothing! There's nothing you can do!
Batman: Joker! What are you doing here?
Joker: I'm here to revel in Job's misfortune. It's just so delicious!
Catwoman (interrupting): Now, now, Joker. Let's not be too hasty. We should give Job a chance to defend himself.
Batman: Catwoman does have a point, Joker. Job does have a few words of comfort for himself. He says that he will trust in his Maker and wait for the day of his vindication.
Joker: Oh, all right then. I suppose that's admirable. I'll give him that much.
Robin: It looks like Job is going to make it through this after all!