Peter: Alright, so Job 30 starts off with Job complaining that those who used to be beneath him are now above him. He's talking about his current situation and how he's now lowlier than the people he used to look down on.
Lois: That sounds pretty sad.
Stewie: Yeah, but at least he didn't have to watch an episode of Two and a Half Men.
Brian: Alright, enough with the pop culture references. So then Job talks about how he's now living in a wasteland and has to scavenge for food. He's also living in the open, exposed to the wind and the rain.
Lois: That's terrible!
Peter: Yeah, and then he starts to talk about how he's become a laughing stock to the people around him and how he's become the object of their scorn and ridicule.
Brian: But then, he turns it around and says that he's still relying on God to save him and that he knows God will come through and restore him.
Stewie: Yeah, and then he says something about how he'll be happy when God restores him, even if it's in the land of the dead.
Lois: Wow, that's really profound.
Peter: Alright, I think that wraps up Job 30. Now let's move on to Job 31.