Peter: Alright, so in Job 42, Job says he's sorry for all the things he said, and God gives him twice as much stuff as he had before.

Brian: Wow, that's pretty awesome!

Lois: You know, I heard there's a new Marvel movie coming out.

Peter: Oh yeah? What's it called?

Lois: Some sort of Thor thing, I think?

Stewie: That's ridiculous! There's no way Thor can fit into a 90-minute film.

Chris: Yeah, but he could just take a hammer and smash the movie into tiny pieces, like he did in the comics.

Meg: Ugh, I don't even know why we're talking about this. Can we get back to Job?

Peter: Oh, right. So God blesses Job, and his friends come to visit him and apologize for being such jerks.

Brian: That's kinda sweet.

Lois: Yeah, it's nice to see that Job was able to forgive them.

Peter: And then God gives Job's friends a bunch of animals and stuff, because, ya know, he's God, and he can do whatever he wants.

Chris: Wow, that's pretty cool. So what happened to Job?

Peter: Well, he lived a long, full life and had a bunch of kids. The end.

Brian: What a great story!